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“All that you touch You Change.
All that you Change Changes you.
The only lasting truth is Change.
God is Change.”

― Octavia E. Butler, The Parable of the Sower

Level Up 
United Kingdom 

This consultancy was to develop a framework for Capturing Change and Learning within LevelUp, a feminist community that campaigns for gender equality in the United Kingdom. 


Over a three month period, R. McFee Consulting worked with the Management team of LU to develop a standardized framework for capturing quantitative and qualitative data, evaluate their approach to measuring change including review and revision of programme outcomes, outputs and indicators.

This assessment was done using a social justice framework that centered the needs of Black, minority, ethnic and poor communities. 


Level Up 

United Kingdom 


This consultancy was to lead an Operational Needs Assessment for Level Up- a feminist community that campaigns for gender equality in the United Kingdom.


Over a nonconsecutive five-week period, an assessment was done of the first incarnation of the programme and its campaigns as well as the organizational structure, fundraising strategy, monitoring, evaluation and learning strategy and needs as well as organizational sustainability.

This assessment was done using a social justice framework that centered the needs of Black, minority, ethnic and poor communities. 

Equality Youth Jamaica (2019)

This consultancy was for the comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the Youth Project, Facilitating the Empowerment of LGBT Youth to participate in Social Justice Advocacy.


Over a nonconsecutive nine-week period, an evaluation was done that measured the implementation and results of activities and outputs related to the goal, objectives and desired outcomes of the organization as well as determine the impact of the demonstration services.

This was done to identify lessons learned and provide recommendations for a path forward.


In summer 2021, R. McFee Consulting partnered with Jamaican Arts advocacy company 360 Artists to convene a Caribbean Regional Dialogue on ending violence against women and girls. 

Sponsored by the Icelandic Government via the International Advisory Group for the Rekjavik conference and dialogue on violence against women and girls, the conference was a preparatory platform to shape and feed into the Rekjaivk dialogue by documenting challenges, successes and priorities for the region for the next five years. Under the theme “ Renewing activism to end violence against women, the Reykjavik dialogue and conference was a movement-led event of activists, practitioners and victim-survivors from around the world fighting to put an end to violence against women and girls. 


Equality for All Foundation Jamaica (2019)

This consultancy was for the development of a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework for Equality for All Foundation Jamaica.

Over a three-month period, there was:

(1)  review of the organization’s  2013-2018 Strategic Plan with the view of developing a framework that included stakeholders engagement allowing the organization to track progress over the period,

(2) development of the  MEL plan including guidance on collecting and analyzing data; methods, and tools for data collection and the development of a management and information system for data compilation and processing, and (3) establishing a baseline for specific indicators to provide information against which to monitor and assess progress and efficacy during implementation and after strategy completion.

Equality for All Foundation Jamaica (2017)

This consultancy was for leadership on the restructuring of Women’s Empowerment for Change (We-Change) an affiliate of Equality for All Foundation. Some of the primary responsibilities included the development of a Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (PMEL) framework for all programs and building the PMEL  capacity of the management team.


Over a four-month period, I worked with the management team to review the quality of existing data sources, the methods of collecting data, and the degree to which they provided good baseline data for their program and its evaluation. There were identification  and formulation of  lessons learned and documenting of best practices from evaluations; establishment of  the WE-Change ambassadors’ program, development  of Terms of Reference (TOR) for the management team and ambassadors, and the  creation of  PMEL tools to track inputs, outputs, and outcomes as well as the  facilitation of  the 2017  midyear review of the organizations


This consultancy was to support the development of an Operational, Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to guide the implementation of Bloody Good Period’s (BGP) programme delivery. BGP is a United Kingdom  based feminist organization that partners with refugee and asylum seeker centers, food banks and other community organizations to distribute free period products to people who bleed. 

Over a three month period, R. McFee Consulting worked with the management of BGP to design a Results Based Framework that aligned with BGP’s mission, vision and objectives; develop Guidance Notes for carrying out monitoring, evaluation and learning activities and design a Management Information System that included tools for data collection.


United Nations Country Team- Jamaica 


This consultancy was for the provision of program support services that facilitate the seamless execution of programmatic processes, and that ensure the efficient delivery of high-quality outputs.


Over a three month period and  based on the MSDF, the 2018 CIPs ( for Barbados and the OECS, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago) and UNFPA, support was provided toward the following results:

(1) Advocacy and Resource Mobilization- establishing and maintaining networks of donor and public information, organizing and conducting meetings and public information events,

(2) Assisting the Sub-regional office in compiling data relevant for the conduct of policy supporting activities and establishing mechanisms to systematically assess the achievement and reporting of results,

(3) Guide the identification of UNFPA’s set of indicators for the CIPs that facilitate MEL  and 

(4) plan and support the execution of a High-Level Policy Dialogue on Improving Adolescent Health in the Caribbean Through the Effective Delivery of Health and Family Life Education (Trinidad and Tobago, June 2018),

Expert Witness Reporting

( 2014-2019)

Since 2014, I have been retained by law firms in the United States and the United Kingdom to develop expert testimony in removal/asylum proceedings with respect to Jamaican citizens. My testimony has been sought based on my professional knowledge of the challenges with the reintegration of deported migrants, gang violence and police corruption, the broader criminal justice system, and the lived experiences of members of the LGBT community in Jamaica.


This consultancy involved training over 100 members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) on their diversity policy as part of the effort to bring awareness to the issues and challenges faced by the local LGBT community and the considerations to be made when policing/interacting with LGBT persons.


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